Sunday, August 17, 2008

Another weekend lost ...

So Saturday was spent at the DMV getting Patti Pathfinder registered in Clark County, followed by a trip to Big Lots for dog toys and cheap Propel water, then Bed, Bath and Beyond for some coffee in k-cups, the grocery and then home to clean ... I had Tyler (13 year old son of my friend Kelly) with me all day and he "worked" with us to get some cleaning done and then we had dinner and yummy yogurt from USwirl. The day ended with carpet cleaning that didnt' go so well.

So today, I slept so late, I still am not feeling really well, I probably should go to the doctor. I met up with a lady to get a remote training collar for Etta Mae to help us train her since she is deaf, then we revisted Big Lots, had some home made Chicken & Veggie Potsticker and now sadly, we need a nap. I'm ridiculously dizzy ... and ugh I have so much to do for work before tomorrow morning.

On the upside I think I may have figured out how to do Billy Blanks Bootcamp in the office and my friend Amy, from the Auburn days, is here until next Sunday, so yay .... I have to etch some time out of this nightmare of a week to spend with her ... it's been forever.

The dogs still aren't bathed, another weekend that didnt' get crossed off the list and my Palm won't since with my work computer ...

Tomorrow is another day .....

Oh, check out my new favorite doggie mama necessity ...


CoffeePHD said...

No need to go to B&B to buy K-Cups:) Check this website, they Giveaway K-Cups every week

Shelly... said...

So you don't have to move?